Saturday, October 15

apabila si lara pulang ke hati..

Arahan: buat ayat dari 3 ayat2 di bawah.
- apabila hati kering menjadi pasir air hujan dah xberguna lagi. 
- silence is a girl loudest cry you know she's really hurt when her ignore you. 
- Don't try to be someone you're not, wait for the guy who like you for you. you were born an original don't die a copy.
**** when you try to forget the one, they will always came back to track you... sometime it will pain... sometime it sweet.. namun apabila hati kering menjadi pasir air hujan dah xberguna lagi.wanita dicipta pemilik air mata. air matanya bukan sekadar saja, namun air matanya penuh dengan kata2... sampai satu ketika dia diam,,,silence is a girl loudest cry you know she's really hurt when her ignore you... buat kau si wanita... untuk aku juga,,, dengar baik2,..
"Don't try to be someone you're not, wait for the guy who like you for you. you were born an original don't die a copy"

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